Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Goodbye 2011...Hello 2012

I hope everyone had a great time over the holidays.  Honestly, I'm so glad the holidays are over and 2011 is behind us.  2011 has officially gone down as the worst year of my life.  2012 has to be better.  I know you're probably sick of seeing New Year's Resolutions posts, but felt like I should still put down something in writing.  I've seen this 'survey' on a few different blogs and thought I would borrow it.  Here goes: 

1. What did you do in 2011 you never did before?
Cleaned up after a tornado.  Jeff’s mom lost her house in a tornado in April.  I never imagined myself or anyone I know would be put in the position of losing a home in a natural disaster.  She has since bought a house that needed some work, fixed it up and turned it into a pretty nice and cozy home.  In the end I think she’s better off now than she was before, but it was definitely a hard road for her this year to get to where she is.

2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I can’t remember making any resolutions for 2011.  Aside from the usual ones (eating better, exercising more, yada yada yada) I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions.

For 2012:  I suppose to just try and be a better person overall.  Be more patient, less judgmental, and be present and happy with where I am in life.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
No, but I do have a niece due in February.

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully, no.

5. What countries did you visit?
None, we stayed pretty close to home this year.

6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
A child.  And patience.

7. What dates from 2011 will be etched upon your memory, and why?
January 14th – the day I found out I was pregnant for the first time
September 26th – our due date with our first pregnancy.  It’s also our wedding anniversary…I thought for sure that was a sign that everything was going to be okay with the pregnancy.  
March 1st – the day of my first D&C,
Sadly, the dates relating to our second pregnancy don’t stick with me.  I tried to not get attached in case something bad happened.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I would say my biggest achievement was emotionally pulling myself through those days following the miscarriages.  I found out I am so much stronger than I ever thought I was. 

9. What was your biggest failure?
My body failing me and having two miscarriages

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Aside from infertility and two miscarriages, it’s been a pretty healthy year.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
We bought our house a year and a half ago and have been working to fill it up ever since.  I'd say the thing I'm most excited about that we bought are some floating shelves for our living room wall.  We just got them hung this weekend and it makes the room feel much more lived-in.  Now I need to buy stuff to put on the shelves!

12. Where did most of your money go?
Groceries, lol.

13. What did you get really excited about?
I got really excited about starting the year off finding out we were expecting the first time.

14. What songs will always remind you of 2011?
“Dirt Road Anthem” by Jason Aldean – for some reason this song takes me back to my high school days and makes me miss the innocence I had back then.  What teenager ever thinks life will be so hard when they grow up?

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
Happier or Sadder: Sadder, I wish so badly our babies were still with us.
Thinner or Fatter: Fatter.  Getting pregnant twice only to miscarry several weeks later both times has really screwed with my body.  I’ve already lost almost 10 pounds by following a lower-carb diet.  I hope to lose a little more before getting pregnant again (which will hopefully be soon), and continue to eat healthy and exercise throughout my next pregnancy.
Richer or poorer:  I would say either about the same or richer.  We refinanced our mortgage this year (yes, only a year after we bought our house) and got a 3.875% interest rate.  So that has saved us some money in payments every month. 

16. What do you wish you'd done more of:
Spent more quality time with Jeff (i.e. not sitting in front of the TV).  I feel like so much of 2011 was spent in limbo, waiting.  I never wanted to make plans too far in advance when not knowing if I would be pregnant, or would need to be close to home for monitoring appointments on my Clomid cycles.  I wish we had just lived life to the fullest and let TTC take a backseat.

17. What do you wish you had done less of:
Stressing out about my PCOS and getting pregnant.  We were able to get pregnant twice without trying too hard, and looking back it seems stupid that I let myself get to stressed out about it.  I’ve learned things in life will happen when they are suppose to, and most things are out of our control.

18. How did you spend Christmas?
We spent the first half of the long weekend with Jeff’s family, and the second half with mine.  Sadly, I didn’t really enjoy myself at Christmas this year.  I’m at the point in my life now where I want us to have our own kids to spend Christmas with.  I can’t wait to start our own traditions.

19. What was your favorite TV program?
Whitney is the first show that pops into my head that we both really enjoy.  Modern Family and The Middle are a couple of our favorites also.

20. What were your favorite books of the year?
I really love Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series, and look forward to each new novel to see what new things are in store for Stephanie.

21. What was your favorite music from this year?
I really enjoyed all of the new country music this year.  A lot of great songs came out this year.  "Pumped Up Kicks" is another fun song from 2011.

22. What were your favorite films of the year?
Gosh, we hardly ever go to movies.  We do rent a lot but I can’t think of a favorite.  Sorry, I’m not a movie buff!

23. What did you do on your birthday and how old were you?
I turned 30 (*gasp*) this year.  Jeff and I went out to eat at Red Lobster, and that’s about it.  I’m too old to party it up like I use to ;)

24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Not having the first miscarriage and having a 3 month old baby with us right now.

25. What kept you sane?
Jeff.  One of the biggest things he has taught me is patience (even though I haven’t mastered it yet).  When life throws us curveballs, he is able to stay calm, and make me realize that everything in life will end up working out just fine. 

26. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011:
Never take your loved ones for granted.

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