Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've been meaning to post this all week, and just haven't found the time.  After many weeks with no rain (our poor grass is brown and crunchy), we finally got a mini-storm last Saturday evening.  It didn't last long, but it was enough of a storm that I was able to get that cozy feel that comes along with a good storm.  Just as it was ending, we decided to run out and rent a movie for the night.  As we got back in the car with our movie and were pulling out of the parking lot, we saw this in front of us:

 (do you see it?)

My mind and heart immediately went to Alissa and her sweet angels.  You see, they are always giving her signs, in the form of rainbows, that they are still around.  So I couldn't help but think of her. 

And they were still there when we got home.

We decided to walk down to the pond in our neighboorhood to feed the ducks.  Unfortunately, they ran away from Jeff as soon as he started walking toward them.

(awe, he looks so lonely)

But we still got to enjoy another awesome view.

Have a great weekend :)


  1. YAY! Rainbows<3 I always took them as a sign of a rainbow baby to come. It's crazy, I have a post a lot like like from around my birthday last year. 2 months later I became pregnant with my rainbow baby after 3 miscarriages! It's such a powerful thing when you see them.

  2. awww jenny! it looks like rainbows are popping up everywhere! :) yay for you seeing is beautiful and SO big! that's gotta be extra good luck, my friend. i've been thinking about you <3 i know this stage in the game is when the "crazies" as i like to call them set in sometimes. you're in my prayers and heart!!
    sending tons of love your way!!
    and as always, thank you for the support and encouragement always!!

  3. That is so beautiful. Thank you for thinking of us, but you could have been your own sweet angels. ;) I don't think mine are the only ones who like to show-up that way.
