Monday, July 16, 2012

1st Ultrasound

I'll just cut right to it.  We saw TWO beautiful heartbeats at our ultrasound this morning!  Both are measuring right on track for 7 weeks, and both had a heartrate of 142 bpm (little stinkers are already acting exactly alike!).  She said the yolk sac was sacs were measuring good (I'm not sure why this matters, but she said it did).  I do have a small hematoma, which they said could cause some bleeding.  They said it's not big enough to be a cause for concern.  Maybe that explains the spotting I had last week? 

I, of course, immediately started crying when the tech told us the news.  I was so entranced staring at the screen, I didn't look at Jeff too much, but I could hear him sniffling beside me as well.  It was a beautiful moment :) 

Obviously, it's still early and we have a long way to go.  We've been to the the point of seeing a heartbeat twice before.  But I do feel like we did so much differently this cycle, and everything up to this point has been close to perfect that, for right now, I'm optimistic.  We're going to take this one appointment at a a time and try not to think too far ahead (but we all know how easy it is to daydream and let your mind wander). 

I have another ultrasound next Thursday and we'll go from there. 

Without further ado, meet our babies:


  1. A good size yolk sac makes a huge difference!! My take home baby had one:)) congrats on TWINS! Omg sooooo excited for you:))

  2. Gorgeous!!!! A yolk sac that's too large could mean it's growing at the expense of the fetus, and too small would mean there's nothing to sustain the fetus until the placenta takes over. Perfect size=perfect news!! So tremendously happy for you!!! Ahhh, I have such high hopes that these will be yours to snuggle in six or seven months :)

  3. Twins!!! Yeah! You must be thrilled....super excited for you!

  4. jenny!!!! i am crying!! yay!!!! twins twins! :)
    i am thrilled for you and jeff and have been praying for you and hoping that your u/s would leave you with nothing but happy tears.
    and yay for another u/s in a few days. you will remain in my thoughts and prayers, mama!
    love the photo. take it easy. <3

  5. Such good news. Make them keep an eye on that hematoma my dear. Medical professionals tend to take hematomas too lightly in my opinion and they can be dangerous. I'm not trying to scare you, but I want to make sure you are advocating for yourself and having them do enough ultrasounds to watch it's path.

    Take in every moment. These are such special days. Congrats!!!

  6. Such wonderful news!! Congrats!!! You are so lucky another u/s one week later!

  7. Awesome, AWESOME news!!! Congrats!

  8. I'm just getting around to checking blogs, but this is FANTASTIC! I just started reading an excellent book about pregnancy and twins (when I have the title around I will let you know what it is). So glad things are going well so far!
